Replace All Occurrences of a String
In this example, you will learn to write a JavaScript program that will replace all occurrences of a string.
To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of the following JavaScript programming topics:
JavaScript String
JavaScript Regex
Example 1: Replace All Occurrence of String Using RegEx
In the above program, a regex expression is used as the first parameter inside the replace() method.
/g refers to global (that replacement is done across the whole string) and /i refers to case-insensitive.
The replace() method takes the string that you want to replace as the first parameter and the string you want to replace with as the second parameter.
Example 2: Replace All Occurrence of String Using built-in Method
In the above program, the built-in split() and join() method is used to replace all the occurrences of the string.
The string is split into individual array elements using the split() method.
Here, string.split('red') gives ["Mr ", " has a ", " house and a ", " car"] by splitting the string.
The array elements are joined into a single string using the join() method.
Here, reverseArray.join('blue') gives Mr blue has a blue house and a blue car by joining the array elements.
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